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10 Reasons to Take Nutritional Supplements

( Many people still question the importance of taking supplements at all.  Here are ten reasons to consider supplementing your diet with high-quality nutrients: 1. Current commercial agriculture techniques leave soil deficient in important minerals, causing the food grown in this soil to share the same mineral deficiencies. 2. Many foods are shipped long distances and are stored for long periods of time, both of which cause the depletion of vitamins in these foods, including the important B-complex and C vitamins. ...Read More...

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20 Little-Known Reasons To Take a Daily Multivitamin

( Most everyone knows that taking a quality, daily multivitamin and mineral supplement can help protect against many degenerative disorders such as heart disease and osteoporosis, as well as run-of-the-mill illnesses like infections or the common cold. Here are 20 other lesser-known ways a daily multivitamin can help promote optimal health and well-being.  ...Read More...

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The Healing Properties of Juicing

(Dr Oz - Healing benefits of Juicing).  There are many health benefits of drinking freshly juiced fruits and vegetables, and it’s a great way to add nutrients from the fruits or vegetables that you normally wouldn’t eat. Fruit and vegetable juices retain most of of the vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals (phytonutrients) that would be found in the whole versions of those foods. These nutrients can help protect against cardiovascular disease, cancer and various inflammatory diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis. Valuable compounds called flavonoids and anthocyanins are abundant in a variety of fruits and vegetables and guard against oxidative cellular damage, which comes from...

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Alzheimer’s disease projected to bankrupt Medicare

(NaturalHealth365) By 2050, the Alzheimer’s Association estimates that 13.8 million Americans will be suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. That prediction will have a devastating effect on families and caregivers who will be affected by this growing health crisis.  In fact, one of the biggest problems linked to Alzheimer’s is rarely mentioned in the media. Current costs for Alzheimer’s care and other forms of dementia hovers at around $226 billion, with about 68 percent of that cost placed on Medicare and Medicaid.  With the number afflicted likely to climb to nearly 14 million (very soon), that financial burden is expected to surge to...

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Digestive Issues

Our customers have been raving about the Simple2Health Probiotic Max 30B and 100B products.  Both contain active Probiotic cultures that support the proper digestive function of your gut.  When taken in conjunction with Garlic Max, which acts as a nature antibiotic, customers have indicated they have seen significant digestive improvements overall.

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